Personal Training & Online Coaching

Are you looking for 121 training rather than my mum and baby classes? Speak to me about in person PT sessions & online coaching.

Do you want to get fitter & healthier?

Not only do I specialise in Pre & Post Pregnancy I also have years of experience in weight loss and body transformations. My programs are designed to challenge and motivate my clients each week as we go on this journey together to reach your goals.

All clients have access to the True Coach App with your individual program on there. I work with in person and online clients.

  • Training can feel daunting for some people, having a female coach can make you feel comfortable and confident whilst ensuring correct technique and form

  • Joining my team I can give nutritional guidance to help your diet alongside your training. I can work out your calories and macros to help reach your goals.

  • The key to staying on track and achieving your goals! I will work with you to ensure you stay on track

  • My clients get results and you could too, stay consistent, follow my guidance and work hard, you won’t regret it!

T is THE most wonderful, strong, supportive, funny and knowledgable PT there is. She takes what you like and don’t like going into consideration. She pushes you, but not too much. She’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.

In the last four months with T I have lost two stone, gone down two dress sizes. Lost 4” around my body and most importantly I. Feel. Amazing.
— Wendy, Basingstoke

I’ve loved working with Tanisha, she is so positive and encouraging while at the same time giving me the drive I need to really push myself. I can’t believe some of the weights I can now do on the gym machines!
— Kat, Basingstoke